Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Merry Christmas!! The morning got started pretty early with Aiden making his way out of bed at 7am and grabbing Gabby to head downstairs. They were both really excited by the presents and happy that Santa ate all of the cookies left for him and polished them off with a glass of milk. Rudolph even ate all the carrots!

Aiden started with the first gift and it was complete chaos from there. Unlike last year, he went through his gifts pretty fast and insisted that they all be opened immediately. Needless to say he had to wait until we had enough coffee in us to heed his demands.

Gabby made out like a bandit and spent the rest of the day hidding her loot from Aiden. Just reflecting on the types of gifts she got this year its pretty clear she's getting older and more mature - dare I say, a young lady. Next year we're getting Lo-Jack installed on here ankle.

Beeka and Chris (Aiden and Gabby's pet name for Grandma Rhonda is Beeka - not sure of the origin) checkin' out her new customized calender.
Santa gave Aiden a cool set of Groucho glasses so we all decided to try them on.

Kelly taking a break from cooking the Christmas Eve dinner to listen to Gabby's head. All she could hear was a bunch of mumbling about cell phones and iPods so she went back to work. Dinner was delicious; we had homemade lasagna and garlic bread with sautéed green beans.

Now I'll have someone to help me finish the house. 'Hey buddy, can you get that deck finished?!'


MOPS said...

I love all your pictures! Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!
I also see lots of snow in the background !!!